How Ceremonial Cacao Enhances Relationships

Connecting with yourself, and how you establish this connection, is something that only you can do. It is a relationship of personal growth and discovery, nurturance, and continuous care.

Two ceremonial cacao white mugs, with rose petals, and a red rose


Take a moment to check in and see how you are relating within right now. First, observe the inner dialogue. Are you hard on yourself, is there judgement? In this personal inner space, is wisdom coming through? Are you creating a safe space to welcome your feelings and needs?

In relation to other people, or in a partnership, do you notice aspects of communication that are challenging? Is it difficult to identify or express your feelings and needs in face of someone, and be fully received?

Consciousness Shifts

In our collective consciousness, many energetic shifts are taking place. Some of us are just beginning to learn how to care for ourselves, and express our feelings and needs. Some of us are beginning to master language and healthy boundaries in relation to our needs, and how to establish a sacred space to feel safe. This is a huge responsibility, and a sovereign path to honor. By doing this, you are changing dynamics of the past, and paving an emotionally intelligent way for future generations.

Ceremony & Self

One way to enhance this work of personal and spiritual growth, communication, and relating, is by partaking in ceremony. Creating ceremonial spaces is a practice our ancestors were accustomed to live by, calling in the rain for their crops to grow, and to give thanks for the abundance that Earth and the elements provide, with the efforts and the hands of the community.

Ceremonial and ritual practice may be familiar to you by the passing of initiations or seasonal celebrations from your ancestors, or it may be something you are recently birthing in your life, initiating yourself and starting a lineage through you, for future generations. Either way, presence and gratitude are essential components, as well as wisdom from the heart.

Diana Deer Hawk and Alku Mateus, holding a rose, in a Peruvian landscape, founders of Ayanu Amazonas, Peru
Pair of hands planting a cacao tree, in a rich soil, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Living on the Earth Plane

Taking these moments to listen to your soul, and simply be, will help guide you in establishing a sacred relationship with yourself and people in your life. This is part of the consciousness shift. Each person honors their path, energies become more rooted, and this way of showing up contributes in uniting humanity.

Ceremonial cacao is becoming a global movement and medicine for people to invite ceremony and sacred space into daily or seasonal lifestyle. One of the many beautiful gifts this plant offers, is our ability, when drinking cacao, to be here on the earth plane, connect with our sacred heart, and to the sky. We access the three levels of human experience that makes us whole, and each moment becomes important. As creators of our lives, we can create our own personal or group ceremony, where feelings and needs become clear, heard, and respected.

Cacao & Communication

When we share cacao with others, our communication channels open. Our awareness of masculine and feminine energy reveal to us what needs balancing. When we express ourselves in the presence of someone, we can develop skills to ask to simply be heard without interruption or unwanted feedback or advice. When it is your turn to receive and listen to someone else, the relaxing effects of cacao remind you that to fully listen with presence, may be the most powerful and effective healing modality we can offer to someone to help them transform energy.

In a nutshell: ceremonial cacao helps us relate. We are able to access the essence of our heart wisdom, which brings authenticity and human connection to life.

Blessing from Peru.

Diana Deer Hawk

PS: Interested to go deeper? Take a look at our Cacao Ceremony Initiation Training.