For intuitive & sensitive Spiritual SeekeRs

Heal from the Past.
Live from the Heart.


Transform generational wounds into an impactful practice with ceremonial cacao as a plant medicine. Training presented live from the birthplace of cacao in Northern Peru.

Cacao pod and tree, engraved antique illustration, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

“What a beautiful training. Powerful and life-changing.”
— Kerry, Australia

DATES: May 22 - June 26, 2024

Duration: 6 WEEKS


Aynua In-Depth Shamanic Cacao Ceremony 6 Week Live Online Training, become a grounded and confident cacao ceremony facilitator, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Experience a deeply transformative cacao ceremony facilitator training. Learn from a shamanic couple living at the origin of cacao.

From the true origin of ceremonial cacao, to the creation of safe healing spaces, and the importance to know how to set healthy boundaries, you will receive a solid foundation to serve the sacred medicine of cacao.

Embody the essential knowledge you need to create your own unique cacao offerings. This training is a complete initiation presented by two experienced cacao shamans who live in Northern Peru, the birthplace of cacao on Earth.


Receive Clarity

Learn everything you need to know in order to serve cacao with integrity and true compassion.

Grow Stronger

Gain self-confidence, develop your capacity to set healthy boundaries, and become a trusted space holder.

Be a Guiding Light

With consciousness and presence, serve cacao with the gifts inherited from your ancestors.


Being an Empath & Holding Space with Cacao Can Feel Intimidating

  • Speaking in front of people, knowing how to serve cacao, and facing emotional release, can be challenging, especially when you are not trained.

  • If you are an empath, and have a hard time setting healthy boundaries, it can be even more difficult. Taking on the emotions and energy of others, you end up depleted and drained.

  • When imposter syndrome quicks in, the wounded parts of your inner child leads you to self-sabotage, blocking you from releasing your gifts as a spiritual guide.

  • A short and surface level pre-recorded course cannot give you the tools you need to build a solid foundation.

But it does not have to be that way.


Grow Stronger & More Confident


Join Our In-Depth Live Training

With 15 hours of live online classes on Zoom, where you can ask questions to the teachers, and receive personalized support, the Aynua Cacao Ceremony Facilitator Training is designed for you to gain the knowledge and inner strength to guide people with integrity, confidence, and heart-centered compassion.



Join a training that has welcomed and certified more than 200 students, from all over the world, helping spread the medicine of cacao to all parts of the planet.


Learn from 2 accomplished shamanic teachers, who embody more than 30 years of combined experience in the world of health, wellness, and spirituality.


Benefit from the knowledge of Diana & Alku, who have been working with ceremonial cacao for more than 10 years, and have been living in Peru since 2017.


What is the Path of Working with Cacao?

Cacao plays an important role in centering us in our hearts, and anchoring us to the Earth. Our feelings and needs become priority again, as we learn to honor ourselves, and nature as the source of deep transformation and regeneration. The teachings provided by cacao are sacred, as they bring us at the roots of ancestral healing.


What is the Healing Potential of Cacao?

Ceremonial cacao helps liberate energy blockages caused by childhood emotional wounds and trauma. Not many are fully aware of the incredible healing potential of pure cacao. Learn how this medicine can help heal stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as the most important health issues of the modern world — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.


The 4 Main Benefits of this Training



Gain the Skills & Knowledge You Need

You will learn how to hold space for people, so they feel safe to connect with their vulnerability, and transform with the energy of ceremonial cacao. As you work with this sacred medicine, you will embody its essence, and serve from a place of integrity. And you will develop the self-confidence to create and guide your own unique offerings.



Enhance Your Life & How You Serve Others

This training will enhance the connection with yourself, by cultivating presence, gratitude, and welcoming all that you are. Working with cacao will allow you to tune in to the creative gifts you wish to share with the world. When you fill your cup, you can then inspire others to do the same. Be that guiding life force and example of how rich and fulfilling life can be.



Learn How to Safely Guide People

When you learn to create a safe space to welcome your emotions and personal transformation, you can then do the same for others. When we work with plant medicine, set and setting are key, as feeling safe is priority. Once that foundation is layed out, there is a sense of trust and opening for people to receive your guidance.



Embrace a Meaningful Life of Service

Learning ancestral cacao practices will enrich your spirit, and the way you participate to weave a blessed path for generations to come. Connect with the Earth, and learn how to balance masculine and feminine energy within. This will support you as an individual, as a guide, and how you show up in the world, to create your sacred offerings.

Diana Deer Hawk playing flute and blessing ceremonial cacao, Aynua Amazonas
Ceremonial cacao in an antique mug, hands of Diana Deer Hawk, blessing the sacred medicine of cacao

“This training provided me with a solid and profound foundation for guiding ceremonies in the integrity and wisdom of cacao. I'm extremely grateful.”
— Veronique, Canada

“This training is so beautiful. I experienced significant shifts within, and felt completely supported by Diana and Alku, who offer a safe space to work with cacao.”
— Kerry, Australia

Diana Deer Hawk and Alku Mateus teaching how to facilitate a cacao ceremony, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Content of the Training

Origin of CEREMONIAL Cacao

History is being re-written regarding the origin of cacao on the planet. Learn the history of cacao from ancient times to now, its use as a sacred medicine, and what makes cacao ceremonial. Discover the amazing benefits of this sacred tree, for the body, the mind, as well as the emotional and spiritual aspects. Become familiar with all the steps, from the tree to your cup, and how the sacred medicine of cacao can change the world.


Having a clear structure acts as a grounding guide for you and your participants. This allows you to focus on your original intention as well as explore your feminine side throughout the ceremony. It encompasses a theme, a journey from beginning to end, and the grace of making the ceremony your own creation, coming from the wisdom of your heart. A structure is essential in offering a safe foundation for you and your participants.


Opening OF the Ceremony

Learn how to offer a prayer and calling of the directions based on the Andean medicine wheel, and develop your own unique way to open the ceremony. Connect with the tradition of your choice, to thank Mother Earth, Father Sky, the elements, and the Spirit of Cacao. This opening prayer is meant to honor life, nature, and allows each participant to open up to the practice of gratitude, for the transformation they are looking for.

GuidED MeditationS

You will explore various guided meditations based on heart awakening, root connection, human emotions, nature visualizations, and more. When offering a guided meditation, you can experience yourself in a new way. The receptive and creative channels open, and being of service in this way will raise your vibration, as well as those who will receive you. Each participant learns from one another, as we open the space for you to guide a meditation for the group.



Set and setting are key components in providing exceptional ceremonial experiences of growth, transformation, and evolution. Checking in on your participants and their specific needs already sets the tone that you are a mature guide. It builds a sense of trust and safety. Learn how to navigate emotions when difficult characters or situations arise, during your time as a space holder. And develop new skills of communication to support your journey as a guide.

Emotional Core Wounds

Learn to identify which of the 6 emotional core wounds you carry, and how to begin healing them, so you can help others become conscious on their path of transformation. This is an essential foundation for personal development and collective healing. Harness the ability to hold a compassionate space for your participants, as you begin to recognize which wounds they carry. Learn how to cultivate the antidotes for each wound, so you can hold space for them with loving presence.



Sensing the energy of those who sit with you in ceremony, and receiving their expression, will invoke a need to be in the moment, and trust your intuition to guide in the right direction. Learn how to listen, and use language that will help people access a transformative state. Develop trust in your intuition and the spirit of cacao. And learn how to serve with the highest level of integrity.

THE IMPORTANCE OF healthy boundaries

Learn the importance of cultivating self-respect, and how to set healthy boundaries around your sacred space and offerings. We share inspiration on how to manage the container of your ceremony, and offer you appropriate guidelines to keep the participants stay on topic, as well as time management tools. Having clear boundaries in and around yourself, will inspire participants to awaken self love in their lives as well.



Learn how all the steps to prepare the best ceremonial cacao for a small or large group. This includes: intention setting, ancient cacao preparation, various recipes, and different ingredients you can play with. Receive guidance on how to connect to the spirit of cacao, and the shamanic experience this sacred medicine provides.

How to Guide a Sharing Circle

Receive crucial information on how to create and guide a safe sharing circle. Everyone who comes to your offering will need to be heard and seen, as part of their healing journey. Learn how to prepare yourself for this important part of the ceremony, as you offer the quality of presence needed for your participants to be able to express themselves inside a safe container.


THE ROLE OF Sound & Music

Sound healing and music expression is a beautiful addition to a cacao ceremony. You will learn how to harmonize your participants, and explore different possibilities of using your voice and music to support transformation. If you are deeply connected to the medicine of cacao, you may even begin to receive a song from spirit, and sing when you are preparing cacao.

shadow archetypes

The different roles you might play, unconsciously, as a cacao ceremony facilitator, will have a great impact, positive or negative, on the journey of your participants. Learn to identify and recognize the polarities of the shadow archetypes, so you can consciously aim to embrace the role of the mature guide.


Closing OF the Ceremony

As important as the opening of a ceremony, closing it is just as necessary to honour the important work and transformation that has been experienced during a ceremony. Learn how to bring people back in their body, and ground the energy, to maintain the sacred space within each person. Cleansing ritual and closing prayer are the main components of this part of the ceremony.

Cacao farmer with cacao pods, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Cacao Farmer, Amazonas, Northern Peru

Grated ceremonial cacao, with fresh lavender, wooden cutting board, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Ceremonial Cacao and Fresh Lavender


Unique to this Training

Receive an energetic initiation, live streamed from an ancient cacao forest, in Northern Peru

During this training, you will receive a sacred cacao initiation from an ancient cacao forest, in Northern Peru. Diana & Alku will introduce you to one of the most ancient cacao strains in the world, and pass on to you an energetic transmission to help you welcome the Spirit of Cacao in your life.


“Although thousands of miles away, this energetic initiation was felt so deeply. I feel honored and blessed.”
— Elizabeth, USA


Grow Stronger as a Cacao Facilitator

Learn how to thrive with ceremonial cacao, like our past students from all over of the world

Veronique, Canada, student and ambassador, cacao ceremony facilitator online training, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Veronique, Canada

Maria, California, student cacao ceremony online training, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Maria, California

Anahata, India, student cacao ceremony online training, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Anahata, India


Included in this Training

  • 15 Hours of Live Teaching on Zoom with Diana & Alku

  • 5 Hours of Pre-Recorded Classes

  • Access to the Video Recording of Each Class

  • 75 Pages Illustrated Companion Guide

  • Certificate of Completion


Exclusive Bonuses

  • Bonus 1: 400g of Aynua Organic Ceremonial Cacao Shipped to Your Door

  • Bonus 2: Energetic Initiation Given Live from an Ancient Cacao Forest in Northern Peru

  • Bonus 3: Private Mentorship Session with Diana and Alku (1 hour)


Is this Training for You?


If you are on a spiritual or shamanic path, this training will help you begin or deepen your journey with sacred cacao on solid foundations

If you feel insecure or blocked, and want to liberate your gifts as a guide, you will be given the tools to feel grounded and more confident. This is a spiritual and transformational experience that will enable you to go deep into your own healing process. As you learn to be present with yourself, you will develop the capacity to hold space for others.

If you are looking to be a more connected person and facilitator, working with the incredible medicinal benefits of ceremonial cacao, this training is for you.


Meet Your Teachers


Learn form a shamanic couple living at the origin of cacao in Northern Peru, and benefit from their 12 years of experience working with ceremonial cacao.

Diana Deer Hawk, Founder and Teacher, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Diana Deer Hawk, Founder & Teacher

Alku Mateus, Founder and Teacher, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

Alku Mateus, Founder & Teacher

Diana Deer Hawk & Alku Mateus were first introduced to ceremonial cacao in Central America, more than 12 years ago. Since 2017, they live in Peru, where cacao originated on Earth. This sacred medicine has been a central part of their spiritual growth for more than 10 years now. They are constantly learning about ancient cacao cultivation and preservation, archaeological discoveries related to cacao history, and sharing their knowledge with people from all over the world.

They teach how cacao is helping humanity rise to its full potential, one heart connection at a time. Experiencing this sacred medicine can revive and activate the roots of an ancient heart wisdom, within you, and in the people you serve.

With Aynua Amazonas, Diana & Alku support indigenous communities of Northern Peru who grow the finest quality of cacao on the planet. They steward a space for cacao education, and preservation of indigenous wisdom. With more than 30 years of combined experience in the field of personal transformation and spiritual growth, they can help you become a confident and trusted guide.


Get a Free Clarity Call

If you need to make sure this training is the right fit for you, schedule a free 20min clarity call on Zoom, with Diana & Alku.

Schedule Your Free Call →


“Thank you again for holding such beautiful space for me and cacao. What a journey!”
— Jessica, USA




The Aynua Cacao Ceremony Facilitator Training includes: 20 hours of teaching (15 hours of live classes and 5 hours of pre-recorded classes); an illustrated companion guide of 75 pages; 400g of Aynua Ceremonial Cacao delivered to your door; and 1 hour of private mentorship with Diana & Alku.

After completing your registration and payment below, you will receive a link to easily access each class from the comfort of your home. Live classes are 150 minutes each, on Wednesday, for a duration of 6 weeks.


$1290 USD

Only 7 Spots Available



Need a Payment Plan?

Join the training for 3 easy installments of $470.
Contact us to benefit from our plan.

Satisfaction 100% Guarantee Aynua Amazonas

Satisfaction 100% Guarantee

We are confident that you are going to like this training. However, if you feel that this training is not for you, after the first live class, we will give you a refund.

You can benefit from the guarantee if you send us your claim up to 24 hours after the end of the first live class on Zoom. In that case, we will then emit a full refund of the cost of the training, minus the cost of the 400g of Aynua Ceremonial Cacao, if it was already sent to you (value of $49 USD, plus the cost of shipping, which varies depending on the country).

Choose Between 2 Different Times

  • 9am Peru Time (10am New York, 3pm London, 7:30pm india)

  • 6pm Peru Time (4pm vancouver, 7pm New York)


9am Peru Time (10am New York, 3pm London, 7:30pm india)


6pm Peru Time (4pm vancouver, 7pm New York)