The New Rite of the Serpent

How do you feel in face of conflict? If you are a sensitive empath, chances are that encountering opposition, and finding yourself in a high tension situation, is not what you prefer.

Many of us need to intentionally cultivate inner strength and courage, in order to stand up for ourselves, and fully accept that life will present us with very challenging characters. To help us grow and become a true weaver of light, a new rite of passage is now available.

Alku Mateus, founder of Aynua Amazonas, exploring an ancient site in Northern Peru

A New Rite of Passage

Received from Spirit in 2022 by Alku Mateus, while exploring the jungle mountains of Northern Peru, this new rite carries the essence of unity, through an energetic reconciliation with our dualistic world.

It is a rite of Mature Masculine energy, intended to help us face conflicts, stand up for ourselves, and respect the diversity of all human perspectives.

The energy of this rite invites us to move beyond opposition, war, and violence, so we can embrace complementarity, the sacredness of each human being, and the richness of our planet. It is now part of our Munay-Ki Initiation training

Energetic Transmission

Like the Rite of the Womb (also included in our training), the Rite of the Serpent is passed as an energetic transmission, supported by spoken affirmations, said by the giver and the receiver.

The rite can be received in person, or at distance, during an online course for example. As always with this kind of initiation, the rite cannot be given to someone without their consent. There needs to be an agreement between the giver and the receiver, who will intentionally accept to receive the transmission.

Connection to the Ancestors and to the Land

Although this rite is entirely new, its roots run deep in the jungle mountains of Northern Peru. While exploring the region, Alku received a collection of messages and visions, alongside a series of synchronicities. One after the other, the finding of ceramics and artifacts with related symbols, investigations of different cave paintings, and precious meetings with indigenous people of the Awajun communities, started to form a complete puzzle.

In time, the transmission was complete, and the rite was fully formed. Just recently, the message was received that the rite now needed to be passed.

Blessings from Peru.

Alku Mateus

PS1: If you are curious to know more about the complete Munay-Ki 10 Week Online Training, simply click here.

PS2: If you already received the Munay-Ki Initiation, and feel the call to be given this new rite, please let us know; we are considering offering it during a special workshop. Contact us to share your interest.