A Path of Extraordinary Growth

You can try yoga or meditation. You can try to vibrate at a higher frequency or master the law of attraction. It’s all good. The question remains: after trying so many different spiritual practices, do you really feel more confident, strong, connected to your heart, and able to face any challenge in your life? Or do you still feel stuck, stressed, anxious, insecure, or depressed?

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The New Rite of the Serpent

How do you feel in face of conflict? If you are a sensitive empath, chances are that encountering opposition, and finding yourself in a high tension situation, is not what you prefer.

Many of us need to intentionally cultivate inner strength and courage, in order to stand up for ourselves, and fully accept that life will present us with very challenging characters. To help us grow and become a true weaver of light, a new rite of passage is now available.

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How Ceremonial Cacao Supports Motherhood

During and after pregnancy, especially when it is the first child, a Mother yearns for support. This rite of passage is life-changing, and much care is needed. What if I introduced a plant ally that is one of the most loving and nurturing, in which you can relate without receiving unsolicited advice or opinions thrown your way during moments of hormonal frenzy or vulnerability?

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