A New Compassionate Humanity

You probably heard the phrase: “Be part of the solution.” Or this one: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Inspiring words, for sure. So where do we start?

If I am not yet part of the solution, it means that I am part of the problem, right?

What is the problem?

One can observe that many of us carry a tendency of labelling and judging our emotions and thoughts, which often result in putting ourselves down, with this overall assumption of being a “bad person”.

This way of interacting with ourselves seems to be a common behaviour, adopted unconsciously from our parents, social circles, and society. It has been passed from a generation to another, for such a long time it seems, that trying to trace its origin would be vain.

What if we start here?

First by recognizing this habit of being hard on ourselves; and then by cultivating a more loving, forgiving, and compassionate eye, when looking inside.

What are these emotions and thoughts that we too often dislike and reject?

Perhaps, if we re define what they are, and what role they are meant to play, we could more easily learn to accept their existence, and by doing so, create greater harmony within.

And naturally, this sense of inner connection will have an impact on the outside world.

This is certainly a big part of how we can create a new compassionate humanity.